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A € 100 million treasure off the coast of Iceland

It is the object of all the covetousness : a Nazi treasure swallowed up since the beginning of the Second World War off the coast of Iceland captures the attention of treasure hunters. However, the search for this treasure requires accreditation that is not accessible to the first comer.

The wreck of the S. S. Minden lies 200 km southwest of the coast of Iceland and the British Advanced Marine Services (AMS) team had until Tuesday, July 10, 22: 00 sharp to make sure. Since 72 hours, the specialized company has therefore set out to search for the precious treasure composed of several hundred gold ingots, for an estimated amount of more than 100 million euros.

This amazing adventure film-worthy story began more than a year ago, precisely on April 9, 2017, when the research vessel Seabed Constructor was caught …

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